December River Village Trip Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends season greeting for all of us here in Guyana

Tomorrow morning we will be going to the holding bay prison to do service than Friday morning we travel to the jungle villages for our final trip for this year we will be going to 2 villages and do 4 nights of celebration crusade.

Please pray for us as we go and preach the gospel that God will prepare many hearts that they here his word and give there life to jesus christ

Thanks for your prayers and support

God bless you


November River Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ

We just got back from another wonderful trip from the jungle villages we went to 2 villages and do 4 nights and Sunday morning celebration crusade and 82 persons give there life to jesus christ and 5 persons were baptized

Monday morning when we move to the second village late that afternoon we were getting ready for service when a young girl 17 year old showed up from the first village. She paddled her canoe over 5 Miles away and said that she give her life to jesus christ the night before and would like to get baptized since there wasn't any pastor in her village to baptized her

That is a village we are helping to start a church. The people in the village wanted a building so they had the walls up when we got back and we were able to put on the roof, provided by ministry partner donation. they didn't get any pastor yet but have lay leaders. we leave sermon CD and messages from Charles Stanley so that these people can know more from the word of God

Thanks again for your prayers and support

God bless you


Prison and River Village Trip Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ we had a wonderful service at the newanserdam Male prison this morning 5 persons give there life to jesus christ

Tomorrow morning we are leaving to go to the holding bay prison to do service than we will sleep at a hotel in Georgetown Friday morning we will catch early morning flight to the jungle villages

We will be going to 2 villages and do 5 nights of celebration crusade please pray for us as we go that God will go before us and prepare many hearts for his kingdom

Pray also for our safety as we travel on the plane and the trail for good weather

Thanks for your prayers and support

God bless you


October River Village Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greeting from all of us here in Guyana it have been a wonderful day today in Guyana

We just get back Thursday from another wonderful trip from the jungle villages we went to 3 villages and the turnout wasn't that good because of heavy rain true out the week we still had 6 nights of celebration crusade and 85 persons give there life to jesus christ

Just want to thank you for your prayers and support inspite of the bad weather the plane were able to pick us up and bring us out safely

We still have 2 months more left in this year please continue to pray and support us so we can continue to go and preach the gospel and win the loss for God kingdom

God bless


Update and Prayer Request for October River Trip

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ

It have been a great week so far in Guyana yesterday at the newanserdam women prison 2 ladies give there life to jesus christ this morning at the newanserdam Male prison 4 men give there life to jesus christ.

Tomorrow morning we are leaving to go to the holding bay prison to do service and then we will sleep at a hotel in Georgetown then Friday morning we will take the early morning flight to the jungle villages.

We will be going to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade please pray for us as we go that God will go before us and prepare many hearts for his kingdom

Pray also for our safety as we travel on the plane and the trail

Thanks for your prayers and support

God bless you


September River Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ

We just got back from another wonderful trip from the jungle we went to 3 villages and do 6 nights and Sunday morning celebration crusade 134 persons give there life to jesus christ

The harvest is still ripe in Guyana and these different aire we are going to covid is getting worse in Guyana but inspite of covid we will still continue to go and preach the gospel and win the loss for God kingdom

Please continue to pray and support us we cannot go to these places and preach the gospel without your prayers and support

Thank you very much for all your prayers and support

God bless you


September Trip Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends greeting from all of us here in Guyana
We are leaving tomorrow morning to go and have service at the holding bay prison and then we'll sleep at a hotel in Georgetown Friday morning we we will leave for the jungle villages we will be going to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade
Please pray for us as we travel on the plane for good weather and for a harvest of sols
Thanks for your prayers and support
God bless you

Joyful Joyful---Our Team Back in the Prisons Regularly

Hay ministry friends greeting from all of us here in Guyana
We start back our prison ministry in full we are doing 3 days a week ministry in 2 prisons when we are not in the jungle villages Tuesday at the newanserdam women prison Wednesday at the newanserdam men's prison and Thursday at the holding bay prison.
This morning we for the first time since covid we gone to the woman prison get a big welcome all the women and all the officers at the prison they also send greeting to all the US team members
We had a wonderful service with them and 7 of them give there life to jesus christ
There are still a lot more unsaved women there at the prison so please pray as we continue to go and preach the gospel that they will trust jesus as there lord and savior

August River Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ

Thanks for your prayers we are back home safe From a wonderful trip

As u know we went to 3 villages and do 7 nights of celebration crusade the first village we went to was very small 38 persons give there life to jesus christ

The second village was very big and the turnout was over 225 people and 122 persons give there life to jesus christ we also dedicated 21 baby's in the second village

there's one church in that village start years ago by a American missionary but there teaching and believe are very different they did not believe in music and clapping hands in church and they have just 15 persons in there church. This village is about 10 miles from Jonestown and they promote Jim Jones in church and said what happened in the past will not happen again None of those people came to our services

So the people who give there life to jesus christ want to build a different church in the community and are going to cut wood and build it I told them we will help them with the roof witch cost about $600 we didn't get the money as yet so if any body will like to give towards this project we will be grateful The captain of the village is very supportive of having a new congregation and has already identified a leader who is a Guyanese who came back from Venezuela where he accepted Christ and is capable of leading.

The third village we went to was also a very small village and because of heavy rain the turnout was very small and 14 persons give there life to jesus christ

I just want to say thank for your prayers and support the harvest in Guyana are still ripe and with your prayers and support we will continue to go and preach the gospel in spite bad weather some time

God bless you


Hello Ministry Friends,

An amazing thing happened just after I sent out the trip report from our prison ministry. A few days after we got home, the news was released in Guyana that a prisoner named Michael had his case brought up in court. This young man had been in prison for three years waiting for his trial. There is no bail so many men and women, guilty or not, are incarcerated for long periods of time before they have a chance to prove their innocence. Back to Michael, the news article showed Michael leaving the court having been found NOT GUILTY. The judge threw out the charges saying the evidence showed self defense and that Michael was free to go.

The amazing thing about this is that Michael was the young man who led us in worship on the last day at the service we had to celebrate those who had been baptized. The prison praise team had a keyboard player, drummer, tambourines and several backup singers. As Michael led, it was evident that he sang from his heart in worship, not to entertain. We had spent time after the service talking to the praise team and other prisoners, sharing the joy of worshiping together. Michael had been arrested three years ago, a lost man but while in prison, accepted Jesus as his Savior and was born again, forgiven to live a new life. Please pray for Michael as he begins his new life on the outside of the fence. He left with a Bible and Kristi's Bible Study. Pray that God will use him in mighty ways to further His Kingdom. Jai will be in contact with him to help him in any way. We are so blessed that God saw fit for us to meet Michael the very week before he was released so we could rejoice with him. At our team reunion, we will pray for him and take a picture of us holding a sign that congratulates our BROTHER. I will copy the picture and frame it to send to Michael as a reminder of his brothers and sisters in America who see him as our brother.

Miracles are happening in Guyana as the harvest continues to come in. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. If you want to help us, make checks out to:

International Celebration Assn

1043 Orchid Lane

Indian Land, SC 29707

Thank you,


Report 2021 July Mission Trip Report

2021 Guyana Summer Trip Report

Dear Ministry Friends,

Thank you so much for praying for us last week as we traveled to Guyana and served in the prison. The Lord met our every need as we had some stressful moments concerning one of our team member’s PCR test. As we were checking in, the lady at the counter hadn’t seen the type documentation that his lab provided and said he couldn’t go and canceled his flight. Then, he found proof in the small print that it was a PCR test so another agent rescheduled him, but put the wrong name the ticket. As Megan was helping try to rectify the situation, they were told that the new ticket had been booked and with a few minutes until the doors closed on the plane, they both got on. As we landed, Megan got a text about his flight to Georgetown with a departure almost three hours before we were to leave. She knew something was fishy and saw that the agent had booked him to Georgetown, Bermuda rather than Guyana. That problem led to several hours on hold with the airlines as well as several hours in line at the American Airlines service desk to rectify the issue. Finally, he got a ticket but it was standby. This team member was a minor so we would never leave him in Miami so Steve waited behind so if he didn’t get on, could give him his seat and stay behind until the next day. Praise God, after a very stressful day, both had a seat and were the last two to board. We were on our way. What Satan meant for harm, God used for good…..The seat that our team member had to give up on the first flight was occupied by a man who had lots of spiritual questions and two of our team members were able to talk to him and share answers and suggested websites and Bible passages. Who knows what God will do as a result.

Our prison time was not as we expected either. Missions = Flexibility. Because of the weekend being a holiday in Guyana, there was more food than usual and it took the prisoners longer to be served and to eat so we waited outside the prison for over an hour and didn’t have time to complete our work so they allowed us to come back and have an afternoon session. That happened Monday and Tuesday which gave us a lot more time to talk with the prisoners. 

We had a new group of prisoners in each service. The worship time was wonderful! Megan and Charlene are very gifted and led us into a time of close communion with God. The prisoners were singing and clapping and worshipping. Then Tony preached very powerful sermons that made it very clear to the men how they can have a new life in Christ, forgiven of their sins and spiritually free even though they are incarcerated. At one of the sermon slots, Jai felt led to step in and give his testimony rather than have Tony preach. At that very service, there was a young man who could identify very closely with what had happened to Jai as a Hindu when he was being troubled by a demon. The troubled young man found help and understood how to accept Jesus so he could have power over that troubling demon. 

As we washed the feet of each man, we were amazingly encouraged by how many of them said that they had already accepted Jesus as their Savior in previous years as we had been in other prisons where they had been. Since then, they had been studying their Bibles and attending services and were enjoying their life as Christians. 

Seventy-eight men prayed to receive Christ for the first time, either in the service or as we talked to them one on one. Fifty-six of them decided to be baptized which we did at the end of each session. In a second prison, 12 more men wanted to be baptized but there was not enough water and our Guyanese team will do that later. 

One hundred and twenty men asked to receive Kristi’s Bible study which goes into depth how to grow as a Christian and how to mature in faith. By the end of the week several men had gathered friends and already started leading this study in their quarters. 

One man walked up to the Officer in Charge (Warden) and handed him a homemade weapon. He said that he wouldn’t be needing it as he had gotten a Bible and now was changed. One other man was thrilled to get not only his flip flops and toothbrush and tooth paste but his new Bible. He said several years ago, he had been with us and prayed to accept Jesus and started reading his Bible. He knew his family didn’t know the truth of the Gospel of Jesus and sent his Bible to them. His whole family had received Jesus as Savior. Now he had his own Bible to continue reading and studying. 

There were many more stories but I will stop there. Our team became a family with each other and with our Guyanese team. What a blessing to have that Body of Believers to serve with. Again, thank you for praying and please continue to lift up these new brothers in Christ as they learn and grow. Starting next week, our Guyanese team will resume their weekly services which had been canceled during Covid. They will serve there three weeks and off one week as they travel to the remote villages.

Thank you for being a part of our ministry in Guyana through Prayer and Giving.


2021 Summer Mission Trip

Dear Ministry Friends,

This is a request for prayer. Seven of us will be leaving in the morning on a mission trip to Guyana to join with six Guyanese to work in LUSIGNAN PRISON for a week. We missed our yearly trip last summer because of Covid and are very thankful that God has worked it out for us to go now even though we will have limitations. We will not be allowed to gather groups of children so all our work will be in the prison where we know the Officer in Charge and he has given us special permission.

SATURDAY—Please pray for ease of travel and no problems with all our documentation concerning our Covid tests and our luggage allowance. Megan found us humanitarian tickets that allow us to each check two free 50 pound bags so that means 700 pounds of clothes for the villages that I won’t have to pay to ship. Our plane arrives at 10:36 pm and then there is immigration and customs and being retested with rapid Covid tests. Then an hour drive to the hotel. 

SUNDAY—We will spend some time getting to know those on the team who are new and then have our own worship service. We will rest and make bracelets. Everyday we give each prisoner a bracelet that has five beads on it that represent the plan of salvation so we can refer to it when we talk to them. 

Black Bead- Represents the sin in our lives which we can’t get rid of on our own no matter how good we are. 

Red Bead-Represents Jesus’ blood that He shed on the cross to pay the price for the sins of the world. Those who accept Him as Savior and receive the free gift of forgiveness are born into God’s family.

White Bead-Represents being clean in God’s sight. If we accept Jesus’ free gift and are forgiven, our sins are gone and God sees us as clean.

Yellow Bead—Represents the streets of gold in Heaven. That is where we will spend eternity if we have had our sins forgiven and are deemed clean by God.

Green Bead—Represents growth as a new believer. Just as grass and leaves are green and grow, we must grow as Christians so we can serve and tell others. We do that by studying the Bible, praying, hearing the Scriptures taught, encouraging other believers and sharing what happened to you with others who need to ask Jesus to be their Savior.

MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY—We will have the same schedule each day. We will have team devotionals and work at the prison from 8:30-11:30. I want to give you a word picture of what it is like and what we will be doing. Several years ago, the large prison in Georgetown burned to the ground and the large population of prisoners were spread around to the other prisons but most of the overflow were taken to Lusignan which usually housed about 200 men. Now there are 800. Six hundred of them are in what they call the holding bay which was built out in a field. There is a roof, back wall and side walls built in a horseshoe. Across the front and dividing the cells is wire fencing, so one side is open to the elements. We will rent plastic chairs and set them up in the middle of the horseshoe where each day, a group of the men will be brought out to sit for the service. All the others will hear it from their cells and have their turn another day. 

We will have worship songs, special music and a sermon. We love to teach these men that even though they are incarcerated, they can be spiritually free if they accept Jesus as their Savior and ask for his forgiveness and repent of their sins to have a new life as a part of God’s family. After the service, each person on our team will sit across from a chair with a basin filled with water in front of us. They will bring the prisoners one at a time to sit with us and have his feet washed. We will have one on one conversations with them, answering questions they have about what they heard in the sermon and just listening to their hearts and encouraging them. This is where we use the bracelets to make the plan of salvation very simple for them. Some will have prayed the prayer asking for forgiveness during the service and others will want to do it with us if they make that decision after more discussion. Some aren’t interested and we respect that and just pray for them and show them that we care. We will then give each one new flip flops, toothbrushes and toothpaste and a Bible that holds a tract that again explains the plan of salvation.

For those who accept Jesus and want to be baptized, we use a baby pool and have a time of baptism each day. We carefully explain that baptism doesn’t save anyone but is an outward symbol of what has already happened in their heart; when they prayed the prayer to accept Jesus and were forgiven, their sins were buried and they were raised to walk in their new life.

Each afternoon, after lunch, we will have some rest time, make more bracelets and place the tracts in the Bibles. We will have team time where we share testimonies, pray and share the events of the day. We will have dinner and play games or just visit.

SATURDAY—Our flight out is very early and we will look forward to getting back and sharing with you how God blessed the trip and changed lives. Thank you for praying for us.   

July River Trip Request

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ

We are leaving this evening for another trip to the jungle villages we will be going to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade please pray for us as we travel especially on the small bush plane it can be dangerous if the weather is bad

Pray also that God will go before us and prepare many hearts as the gospel preach that they will come to know jesus as there lord and savior

Thanks for your prayers and support

God bless


June River Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ

We just got back from another wonderful trip we received our truck and was able to go to 2 villages and do 5 nights of celebration crusade and Sunday morning service also 135 persons give there life to jesus christ.

That includes 2 warow family's of 23 man woman and children come one day when we was distribute clothes footwear and reading glass and God provided a interpreter so that we can share the gospel with those people and every one that was old enough to understand give there life to jesus christ

We get contact with other villages to go back in July and August our next trip will be the 19th of July please pray for the flood situation here in Guyana so that the rain will stop and we can continue to go and preach the gospel

The harvest in that part of Guyana is ripe and ready please pray for us as as we travel on the plane it can get dangerous when the rain is falling for the plane to land on a grass strip

Thanks for your prayers and support

God bless you


June Village Trip Request

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ
We load our big truck about two weeks ago and take it to the big boat in Georgetown and it already leave on Saturday to the new area where we will be doing mission work for the rest of this year.
We are leaving this evening for a early morning flight so we can reach early enough to pickup the truck.
We haven't get any contact with anyone yet so we don't know when or where we will do our first nights of celebration crusade or how much villages we will be going to or how much nights of celebration crusade we will do.
When we get there then we will make some contact.
So please pray that God will go before us and prepare not only two or three villages so we can go and preach the gospel but God will prepare many hearts that will here the gospel and trust jesus as there lord and savior
Please pray for us also as we travel on the plane for our safety we still getting bad weather and heavy rain in Guyana
Bless you

May River Trip Results-Praise God

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ
We are back from another wonderful trip from the jungle villages as you know we went on a trip to the jungle villages we went to 2 villages and do 5 nights of celebration crusade 92 persons give there life to jesus christ. we also met 2 ladies that I leads to jesus christ and baptized from the newanserdam women prison that was released about 1 years ago in the ferry Sunday on our way home and they was so excited to see us we had a very long talk and they said they are very faithful in church and serving God and thanking our team to continue to go to the prison and preach the gospel there
Thank you for your prayers and support God is doing great things in Guyana
Bless Jai

April River Trip Results

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus
Thanks for your prayers and support we are back from another wonderful trip from the jungle villages we went to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade and 155 persons give there life to jesus christ 7 were baptized and 4 baby dedication and 2 couple that was living home give there life to jesus christ get married also
Please pray for our country and as we travel different places in Guyana to do ministry for our safety the COVID keep going up all the time
Thanks again for your prayers and support