There are six prisons in Guyana and our ministry has visited all of them numerous times. We are allowed to do Celebration Worship Services in which we sing worship songs, give testimonies and proclaim a message from the Word of God. Some of the prisoners sing solos and tell what God has done in their lives. We let them know that even though they are physically behind bars, they can be spiritually FREE if they accept God’s forgiveness by trusting Jesus as their Savior. We wash their feet and talk to them one on one before giving them new footwear, toothbrushes, tooth paste and Bibles. Several prisons have allowed us to baptize those who were interested and we have been allowed to put Christian libraries in each prison. Hundreds of prisoners, men and women, have accepted Christ and as they are released, will have a different kind of life because of their decision to follow Christ Many of the former prisoners are active in their churches in towns and remote villages.
We have done a Celebration Worship Service at the training center where guards are preparing to go into the prison system to work. We also did a Celebration Worship Service with the trainees from the police academy. We had wonderful times with both of these groups and had a large percentage of them accept Christ.
ICA is unashamedly dedicated to taking the Gospel message of salvation through Christ alone and His love to the people of Guyana.
“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”