August River Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ

Thanks for your prayers we are back home safe From a wonderful trip

As u know we went to 3 villages and do 7 nights of celebration crusade the first village we went to was very small 38 persons give there life to jesus christ

The second village was very big and the turnout was over 225 people and 122 persons give there life to jesus christ we also dedicated 21 baby's in the second village

there's one church in that village start years ago by a American missionary but there teaching and believe are very different they did not believe in music and clapping hands in church and they have just 15 persons in there church. This village is about 10 miles from Jonestown and they promote Jim Jones in church and said what happened in the past will not happen again None of those people came to our services

So the people who give there life to jesus christ want to build a different church in the community and are going to cut wood and build it I told them we will help them with the roof witch cost about $600 we didn't get the money as yet so if any body will like to give towards this project we will be grateful The captain of the village is very supportive of having a new congregation and has already identified a leader who is a Guyanese who came back from Venezuela where he accepted Christ and is capable of leading.

The third village we went to was also a very small village and because of heavy rain the turnout was very small and 14 persons give there life to jesus christ

I just want to say thank for your prayers and support the harvest in Guyana are still ripe and with your prayers and support we will continue to go and preach the gospel in spite bad weather some time

God bless you
