Hello Ministry Friends,

An amazing thing happened just after I sent out the trip report from our prison ministry. A few days after we got home, the news was released in Guyana that a prisoner named Michael had his case brought up in court. This young man had been in prison for three years waiting for his trial. There is no bail so many men and women, guilty or not, are incarcerated for long periods of time before they have a chance to prove their innocence. Back to Michael, the news article showed Michael leaving the court having been found NOT GUILTY. The judge threw out the charges saying the evidence showed self defense and that Michael was free to go.

The amazing thing about this is that Michael was the young man who led us in worship on the last day at the service we had to celebrate those who had been baptized. The prison praise team had a keyboard player, drummer, tambourines and several backup singers. As Michael led, it was evident that he sang from his heart in worship, not to entertain. We had spent time after the service talking to the praise team and other prisoners, sharing the joy of worshiping together. Michael had been arrested three years ago, a lost man but while in prison, accepted Jesus as his Savior and was born again, forgiven to live a new life. Please pray for Michael as he begins his new life on the outside of the fence. He left with a Bible and Kristi's Bible Study. Pray that God will use him in mighty ways to further His Kingdom. Jai will be in contact with him to help him in any way. We are so blessed that God saw fit for us to meet Michael the very week before he was released so we could rejoice with him. At our team reunion, we will pray for him and take a picture of us holding a sign that congratulates our BROTHER. I will copy the picture and frame it to send to Michael as a reminder of his brothers and sisters in America who see him as our brother.

Miracles are happening in Guyana as the harvest continues to come in. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. If you want to help us, make checks out to:

International Celebration Assn

1043 Orchid Lane

Indian Land, SC 29707

Thank you,
