August River Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus

Thanks for your prayers It was great going house to house along two rivers and share the gospel with people 92 person give there life to Jesus Chris one family open there home for us to do 2 nights of celebration crusade and that also was great

Thank you all for your prayers and support GOD is doing great things in guyana many sols are saved and add to God kingdom and with out your prayers and support we would not able to go to these places to share the gospel with those people

Thanks again


Another August Praise and Trip Prayer Request

Hey Friends,
On Tuesday, our Guyanese team went to the prison again (they are now going 3 Tuesdays every month). Two more ladies accepted Christ, one a new inmate and the other a Hindu who has listened for a long time as she sat in the back with the Muslim ladies. Now we rejoice that two weeks in a row, we have had salvations from women who have rejected the Good News for a long time but now the blinders have been lifted! Praise God.
See below Jai's request for prayer as they do a different kind of trip this month:

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Chris
We are leaving tomorrow evening for our mission trip we will gone for 6 days and we will go in 2 different river and in these rivers don't have villages but there are lots of people lives long side these rivers so we will go house to house and share the gospel with them and give out bibles bible study reading glasses and footwear and messengers to them
Please pray for us as we travel on trails road and rivers pray also for a harvest of sols
Thanks Jai

Also, our ministry has the funding for the September trip but need help with the October and November trips. These river trips cost $3500 each month and when they do trips where they have to fly, it is $5000. Would you consider sponsoring a trip or would you pray about giving a donation that can help make these trips possible? If so, please make checks out to International Celebration Assn. and mail to 8333 Providence Rd. Charlotte, NC 28277. Donations are tax deductible.
Thank you all for being such great friends of Guyana. We are overwhelmed at what God has done and continues to do. If it has been a while since you have looked at our website, please check out and be sure to see all three videos on the homepage. As you hear Kristi speak, realize that her Bible studies are the ones that are being done in the prisons and will be used with these people on the river that are so remote that they can't get to a church. Also, InTouch ministries has just given us 40 more Messengers and they will also be used to disciple these river families as well as those in villages. The Messengers contain messages from Charles Stanley and the New Testament. We are grateful for their ministry.

August Update

Dear Friends of Guyana,

I wanted to let you know some news from the women's prison in New Amsterdam. Tuesday, our team went for their bi-monthly service and Jai preached. Five ladies accepted Jesus. Four of them were new inmates but the fifth is the one that is so unusual. She is a Muslim lady who has been there a long time. Many of our American team know that when we go there, the Muslims sit in the back, sometimes even facing away from the service. One of those Muslim ladies who has heard the truth over and over finally decided to follow Jesus. What a huge blessing and a reminder that "his Word will not return void". There is power in the name of Jesus and we will pray that more of those Muslim ladies will also come to know HIM.

Have a great day,


July Trip Report

2019 July Trip Report

 Praise God for all of you who prayed for our trip. God showed up in astounding ways. Our team, American and Guyanese, had a wonderful time of fellowship as we labored together, speaking God’s message and serving in many other ways; washing feet, hugging, laughing, playing fun games, singing and dancing among them.

 We stayed at Jai and Tracy’s home since we were ministering in the Berbice area rather than near Georgetown like last year. They are so gracious that we felt like we were right at home. Jai is quite a chef and Tracy his sous chef. Much of what we ate was grown in their beautiful garden in the back yard. We did lots of work in the “bottom house” which is the area under the main house where most Guyanese have swings and hammocks to get a breeze during the hot afternoons. That was the scene of lots of bracelet making, shoe processing and Bible stuffing (with the leaflet containing the Roman Road to Salvation). We also spent a lot of time around the table sharing testimonies and favorite events from the day and had lots of game time together, mostly charade-type games.

 Now for the best part of the report….There are 312 new brothers and sisters after this two weeks of ministry, 104 prisoners and 207 from our children’s ministry. I would guess that about a forth of the salvations from the children’s events were parents who brought their children. The last salvation was a Hindu lady who worked at the museum that we visited our last afternoon. Two of our team members reached out to this lady and explained salvation to her.  She was ripe and ready to pray to receive Christ. This example is one reason I love our teams so much. The ministry isn’t just done in the places we schedule but marketplace evangelism as well. Praise God for their faithfulness and for watching for every opportunity.

 I will tell you two specific blessings that we had. The first takes place at the New Amsterdam Prison. This is the prison close to Jai’s house so our Guyanese team goes there every other Tuesday, ministering in the men’s and women’s prison. That is also the prison where our ministry paid for the materials to build a chapel and had the inmates build it with Jai overseeing. Shortly after we arrived, we met the Officer in Charge (OC) and found out that he is a very dedicated Christian. About 90% of the officers at New Amsterdam Prison are Christian. This has resulted in an atmosphere  which promotes a calm presence and has resulted in very few disturbances among inmates. The OC gave his testimony at the beginning of our first day there. We spent two days with the men, one with the women and then the last day had a joint praise and worship service and message of encouragement with both the men and women. 

 The first day, the OC was standing behind Steve while he was washing feet and talking to the prisoners. The second day, he asked Steve if he would mind missing the praise and worship and sermon time to come with him to the section of the prison that houses the hardened criminals who can’t come out to the services. Steve quickly agreed and talked to the four men that the OC had picked out. One of them was Herman, Steve’s grandfather’s name. Herman was the only man who had on a white jumpsuit. Steve asked him about that and he said it meant he was condemned to death. Steve found out that he was a Muslim and asked him about what he believed. He really didn’t know much about the actual teachings and Steve challenged him with the good news of forgiveness through Jesus’ shed blood, and that time was critical since Herman was facing death. He declined. Later in the day as we were washing the prisoners feet and talking to them one by one, Herman appeared at Steve’s side and said that he had thought about what he was told and had decided that he did want to accept Jesus. The OC had given him special permission to leave the security lock up to come talk to Steve. He also wanted to be baptized after Steve explained what it meant. Herman asked that Steve be the one to baptize him and it was a thrill of a lifetime for Steve to be able to do that. Amazingly, we found out that wherever Herman is from, Jai had done ministry in his town and had led his wife and children to Christ and had baptized them. What an amazing God we serve. Herman will still have to suffer the earthly consequences of his crime but in God’s sight, he is forgiven and will spend eternity in Heaven. There were a total of 61 men and women baptized in the prison. We talked to many inmates that were already Christians and had already been baptized.

 We were able to do a service at the Clinton Police Training Center where we met delightful, well-mannered, clean-cut young me. Twenty-one of them accepted Christ. Between the prisons and the academy, 145 people requested a copy of Kristi’s Bible study so they can study and learn more about how to live out their faith. Praise God!

 The other event I want to share about has to do with one of our children’s services. It was to be Monday morning at 10:00 at Jai and Tracy’s “bottom house”. They live in a large, mostly Hindu neighborhood. On Sunday afternoon, we divided up into two groups to prayer walk the streets and invite the children to come. Both of our groups had two neighborhood friends of Tracy’s to go with us since they knew most of the people. I want to highlight this amazing fact. All four of these ladies who guided us and introduced us to neighbors were Hindu. (How amazing of God to allow that to happen.) Each group visited approximately 30 houses and invited and prayed for those who would allow it. We though we would have a small gathering on Monday morning as we encouraged them to each tell their friends about it but had little faith that would happen. WELL, over 180 showed up and 41 children and adults accepted Christ. We are now praying about how to start some kind of work in that area. There is a small abandoned church building there that Jai is going to check on to see what denomination owns it. Maybe we could use it to start a work to help grow these new converts. Also, we will probably establish a Christian library in that neighborhood. Please pray for the details of this new opportunity.

 We are thrilled at what God did and are grateful for those of you who prayed for us so faithfully. May HE grow all our new brothers and sisters to maturity as the Holy Spirit living in them draws them closer to God.



July Request Prayer Guide for Team Trip

 2019 Guyana Trip Itinerary

 Our team verse for this year is, “If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:11.  We are excited to enjoy laboring together with our American team and our Guyanese team.

SUNDAY- July 14—Team arrives in Georgetown a little before midnight.  Please pray for ease of travel and for the families we are leaving at home. Please pray for the health of the team while we are in Guyana.

MONDAY- July 15—This morning, we will travel the 2 ½ hours to Jai and Tracy’s house where we will stay for the two weeks. This is a rest day since we got in so late last night. It is also an in-home workday. We will make salvation bracelets to prepare for the week where we use them everyday with the children and prisoners. Our new team members will get to know our Guyanese team and we will start putting the Roman’s Road to Salvation bookmarks in the Bibles that we will give away tomorrow at the prison.

 The colors on the bracelet stand for the steps to salvation:

---Black bead—Sin that separates us from God and we can’t get rid of it on our own

---Red bead—Jesus’ blood that he shed to cover our sin if we accept His free gift of salvation

---White bead—A clean heart. This is what God sees when he looks at us after we are forgiven.

---Yellow bead—Symbolizes the streets of gold where we will spend eternity since we have been forgiven.

---Green bead—Stands for growth-We need to grow as a Christian by prayer, Bible study, involvement in a church and time with Christian friends, etc.

TUESDAY-July 16—Today we will go to the New Amsterdam Prison on the male side at 10:00. We will see 1/3 of the male population today. There is something new this year that is very exciting. This is the prison where our Guyanese team goes every other Tuesday so they have a close relationship with the warden. Jai told them that we wanted to see ALL the prisoners so while we are there, they are not going to send the inmates out to work. The only ones that will not be there are those that have court dates. This is a wonderful new development. First we will tie a salvation bracelet on each man’s arm and welcome him. In the service, we will have worship songs, testimonies, solos (some from the prisoners) and then Jai will preach an evangelistic message, clearly explaining that even though these men are behind bars, they can be free. If they accept Christ, they can be free from the guilt of sin and be seen as cleansed by their Heavenly Father as they start a new life in Christ. Next, the men are brought in groups to have their feet measured and to be given a pair of flipflops. Our team will sit with a basin at our feet and a chair across from us. The prisoners will be directed to a chair and we will wash their feet and talk to them about what they heard. If they accepted Christ in the service, we will affirm their decision and if they have questions, we will talk to them and pray with them. Those who accept Jesus as Savior will be listed so they can have follow up. All will be given a toothbrush and toothpaste and a Bible if they don’t have one. Those who are serious about growing and are willing to commit to doing a Bible study will be signed up for a class and learn from Kristi Buttles’ Bible study. This is going to be a huge help to the men who need a solid foundation for their new faith. Please pray that their growth will be huge because of Kristi’s faithfulness in writing this Bible study.

Those who would like to be baptized will have a chance at the end of the foot washing. We will make it clear to them that baptism doesn’t save them but that it is a public display of their faith and a symbol of their death to their old life and the beginning of a new life. Please pray for open hears and that the Holy Spirit will make the message of salvation very clear to them. 

Each afternoon, we will continue to make salvations bracelets as the numbers needed are large since we need one for each prisoner and each child that we see for each opportunity both weeks.

In the evening, we will have team time and play games.

WEDNESDAY—July 17—Today we will go back to New Amsterdam Prison and do the second 1/3 of the population of the male prison. Please pray as you did yesterday for these men to make a decision to accept Christ.

THURSDAY-July 18—Today at 10:00 we will finish seeing the men at New Amsterdam Prison. What a blessing to be able to share hope with them.

FRIDAY- July 19—Today we will go back to New Amsterdam Prison but will be ministering to the women’s prison. We will have the same type service as we had with the men. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to draw many to faith in Christ and for those that are already Christians, that they will be encouraged and see more ways to grow in their faith. 

I haven’t mentioned it before but each afternoon after we get home from doing our ministry, we have a meal and spend time sharing our testimonies or things that are going on in our lives back home so we can get to know each other on a deeper level. Our Guyanese team also share their stories and what is going on. It is always a very special time that connects our hearts. We feel like these Guyanese that we have worked with over the years are family.

SATURDAY-July 20—Today we will begin our children’s ministry at 9:00. We will be at Tain Bible Church where we will minister to about 200 children. They will be greeted with friendly smiles, hugs and have a salvation bracelet tied onto their arms so they can reference it throughout the day. We will have fun songs and worship songs. We will teach the Bible story from Matthew where Jesus is asleep during the storm. Children of all ages will be reminded that when we go through scary things, Jesus is always there to calm our storms. He didn’t keep them from being in the storm but is there with them. We will see how we can cast our burdens upon Him. We will go over the plan of salvation and the new life they can have in Christ. 

As we wash the children’s and teen’s feet, we can point to the bracelets that they were given and go back over the plan of salvation. We do not try to force anyone to accept Christ because we know that is the work of the Holy Spirit. We just want to make sure they understand and have the opportunity if God is drawing them. We pray with the children and love on them. They will be given new flipflops. Please pray for the children to go home feeling loved and that many will accept Jesus as their Savior. Many times parents come to bring their children and end up understanding the Gospel for the first time. We have had parents saved on numerous occasions.

After lunch, there will be some time in the afternoon for souvenir shopping and game playing.  We will have a special dinner tonight because this is the end of our first week of service. Two of our team members are only staying one week so this will be their last day with us. We will have a special team time where everyone will tell his/her favorite story from the week of what took place. This is always a very special time. Jai will take them the 2 ½ hours back to the airport where they have a 12:37am (Sunday morning) flight so they have to be at the airport around 10:30. Please pray for safe travel for them.

SUNDAY—July 21—Today we will go to church and after lunch, do a prayer walk in Jai’s community where we will pray for people and invite children to come to our Monday event.

 MONDAY—July 22—Today at 9:00 we will have a children’s service in Jai and Tracy’s yard and expect over 100 children. It will be the same type service that I described on Saturday, the 20th. Please refer to that day for specific prayer requests.

 TUESDAY—July 23—Today at 9:00 we will be doing a children’s ministry at Farish Bible Church and expect about 200 children.

WEDNESDAY—July 24—Today at 9:00 we will be dong a children’s ministry at a church in New Amsterdam with about 200 in attendance.

 THURSDAY—July 25—Today at 9:00 we will be having our special day with the children at Alness Christian Church. There will be about 200. This is our last day to minister to children. We pray that among the children that we have seen over the past week, some of them will be the Christian leaders of tomorrow for Guyana and that many of them will be with us in Heaven for eternity.

 FRIDAY—July 26—Today is a very special day because God has opened a door for us to do something we have never done before and this is our 13thsummer to serve in Guyana. We are going to do a service at the Police Training Center in Berbice. One of the pastors that Jai knows is their chaplain and he wanted us to come and share with them. We will have praise and worship music, solos, and testimonies and then an evangelistic message. We will wash their feet and talk one on one and give them flipflops. It will be great to be able to encourage those who will soon be serving their communities as police officers. Those who trust Christ and have a heart of compassion will do a much better job as they handle difficult situations. Please pray for this opportunity and for life-changing decisions to be made.

SATURDAY—July 27—Today we will go to Mahaica Girls’ Home at 9:00. This is where our Guyanese team goes every other Saturday and where Jeanne and Megan went a few months ago to minister. Instead of doing our usual event, we are going to have music and then play fun games. We will divide into 4 teams and have a competition. We will have a blast. Then, afterwards, we will have a more serious time and see if the girls want to talk to us one on one about any issues they are struggling with in life. We will counsel them and pray for them. We are sharing a pizza lunch with them. 

We will spend the afternoon touring Georgetown. We will visit the largest wooden church in the world and see the sea wall that was build by the Dutch.  Georgetown is below sea level so it has a sea wall. We will shop for souvenirs, go to a museum and then have our last dinner together at a special restaurant. There we will have another special team time where everyone will tell his/her favorite story from the second week of ministry. This is always a very special time.

Jai will take us to the airport for the flight that leaves at 12:37am. We will have to be at the airport at 10:30pm.

SUNDAY—July 28—Please pray for safe travels today and good travel logistics, no delayed flights. We will look forward to sharing about our trip when we get home. 

 Thank each of you for praying for us. Your role as prayer warriors is just as important in the Kingdom as the work of those of us who go. That is how the Body of Christ works. Hallelujah!!!!!

June Report

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ 

We just got back from our mission trip to the river villages we could a only do 2 villages because of heavy rain when we get to the third village the rain was so heavy it was too dangerous for the people to paddle there canu on the river to come out but for the first 2 villages and the small turnout we had because rain 52 person give there life to Jesus Christ in the two villages 

Thank you for prayer and support GOD is doing great things in Guyana 

bless jai 

June Request

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Chris 

We are leaving tomorrow morning for our trip to the jungle we are going to the aruka and winey   river to three villages and do six nights of celebration crusade please pray for us as we go for our safety as we travel on the road and rivers pray also for a harvest of sols 

Thanks Jai 

May Report

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus 

We just got back Sunday from our trip to the jungle we had six nights of celebration crusade in three villages and 195 person give there life to Jesus Chris 38 of them are Guyanese venezuelan thanks for your prayers and support GOD is doing great things in guyana and it is all because of your prayers and support 



May Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus 
We are leaving this Sunday evening for another mission trip to the jungle we will be going to the baramane river to three villages and do six nights of celebration crusade please pray for us as we travel on trails road and rivers pray also for a harvest of sols for God kingdom 
Bless jai 

April Report

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ 

Thank you for praying trip it was great starting from the women prison on good Friday morning service 9 women give there life to Jesus Christ then Saturday we went to the girls home and 11 girls give there life to Jesus Christ then Sunday we went to the NOC 8 person give there life to Jesus Christ, two of them were guards that afternoon we drop of Emily and my wife at the hararuni girls home and they spent two nights with the girls there me and Wayne went two little villages we do 1 nights of celebration crusade in each village and the second nights we show the Jesus film in each village since it was Easter weekend and 82 person give there life to Jesus Christ in the two villages 

Thank you for prayer and support 


Prayer Request For This Week

Hay ministry friends greeting in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ As you know Emily is in Guyana and this morning we are going to the newanserdam women prison to have a good Friday service them tomorrow we going to the mahaica girls home and Sunday to the NOC then Sunday afternoon I'll drop of my wife and Emily at the harraruni girls home they will spend 3 nights there with the girls there me and Wayne will be going to 2 villages and do 4 nights of celebration crusade please pray for us as we travel for safety and for a harvest of souls 

Report on March Women's Ministry Trip

Megan and Jeanne’s trip to do women’s ministry was amazing. 

 When they arrived, they were able to see the new replacement truck that we successfully raised enough money to buy. Thank all of you who donated for this much-needed vehicle. They tricked me on April Fools’ Day by texting that they were  all okay but that they had been in an accident and the new truck had been totaled. Thank goodness only about a minute or two passed before they FaceTimed me to all laugh and say April Fools’.

 Many of you prayed for Jeanne’s voice on the last night of ministry while they were in the village of Laluni. Her voice strengthened just in time for her teaching and then got worse afterward. That was because of all our prayers. However, in that service, there was another problem that seemed like there couldn’t have been any effective results. Of course, in these little villages, there are no nurseries and mothers have to bring their children. A few young children became huge distractions during the teaching by playing with balloons. The moms didn’t do anything and after a while, Jeanne had to stop and pray for God to take care of the distractions. There was a noticeable change in the atmosphere. Jeanne thought that it would be a miracle if any lady responded to the invitation to trust Christ but God had a plan and provided that miracle. One lady in the very back indicated that she understood the Gospel message that Jeanne had shared and trusted Jesus. Praise God.

 The two-day ministry in the Women’s Prison at New Amsterdam was a wonderful success and encouragement to many women. Nineteen of them accepted Christ as their Savior. One of those who had her sins forgiven was an amazing redemption story. She was a Muslim whose father was an imam. She is in prison for being complicit in the murder of her daughter. It is so overwhelming to know that God can forgive even the most heinous of crimes.

 The two-day ministry at Mahaica, the girls’ home, was very heartbreaking and God ordained. The first day the girls were quiet and withdrawn. The second day, they opened up and many of them privately shared heart-wrenching stories of their lives. Jeanne and Megan were able to pray with them and encourage them. Megan taught a few of them how to play the ukulele and left two instruments there for them to keep practicing on. There were 17 of these girls who accepted Christ. One of the saddest stories there was an 11 year-old girl who had her baby there with her. Most of these girls have been abused. Please pray for them as our Guyanese team continues to go and reach out to them twice a month. Many of these girls are new at the home and are just learning about how to have a life in Christ.

 Thank you all for your prayers.


Second March Trip Request from Megan

Hey Folks,

I 'd like to ask you to bathe this next week in prayer.  Jeanne and I are heading down to Guyana for a week of women's ministry.  We will be sharing the Gospel in a few difficult places.  She will speak; I will lead music.  

Here are some specific prayer points:

  • Pray for travel mercies as we fly to and travel through Guyana.

  • Pray that God will soften hearts and prepare each woman and girl with whom we have the opportunity to share the love of Christ.

  • Pray God's message will be clear to each person who hears it.

  • Pray for planned and unplanned opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ.

  • The girls in the girls' home have been through some really tough situations (rape, incest, abuse, abandonment, etc).  Pray that we can bring comfort and encouragement to those who need it the most. 

  • Most of all pray that God will be glorified in all that we do and say.

Here is our itinerary:

Tuesday, 3/26 - CLT to MIA 1:35-3:34 pm

                             MIA to GEO 6:50 – 11:09 pm

Wednesday, 3/27 – New Amsterdam Women’s Prison

Thursday, 3/28 – New Amsterdam Women’s Prison

Friday, 3/29 – Women’s Ministry at Fyrish Bible Church

Saturday, 3/30 – Mahaica Girls’ Home (this is a home for abused and abandoned girls)

Sunday, 3/31 – Mahaica Girls’ Home

Monday, 4/1 – Women’s Ministry at Laluni Village Church (on the trail)

Tuesday, 4/2 – Women’s Ministry at Laluni Village Church – to finish at 7 pm

                             Arrive at Airport 8:30 pm after an afternoon of ministry.

Wednesday, 4/3 – GEO to MIA 12:09 am – 5:04 am

                                   MIA to CLT 8:30 am – 10:37 am 

    Thank you for being my prayer warriors while we enter the battlefield.  I'm so excited to have this opportunity to be used by God!

In Christ,


Amazing March Trip Report

Good morning ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Chris it is a beautiful Rainey morning here in guyana 

We get back yesterday from our trip it was a great trip thank you for praying for us the first village we went to it was on top of the paramakatai mountain witch is 6500 FT above sea level it was so cold that we could not sleep in the night we sleep in the day when it more worm it was below 40 degrees 2 nights of celebration crusade there and the turnout was over 200 people and 107 give there life to Jesus Chris

Then we move to a place called bamboo Creek witch is on the other side of the mountain witch was half way below the mountain so it was not that cold it was about 60 we do 2 nights and Sunday and Monday morning celebration crusade there and the turnout was over 450 people 231 give there life to Jesus Chris 

We move from there to a next village call hill feet thats right down to the bottom of the mountain witch was still cold it was like below 60 we do 2 nights of celebration crusade and the turnout was over 300 people and 185 give there life to Jesus Chris 

This was the first time we gone to that region and the people there are hungry for the gospel there are still lots of villages in that region who need to hear the gospel thank you for your prayers and support with out you this trip could not be possible 


(This is the trip where they had to fly to reach these villages.) 

March Trip Prayer Request

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus 

For the past 12 years we bin travel all over guyana on rivers Creek and trails there are places where we can not go by boat or vehicle so we charter a trilander plane that can carry 2500 pounds and we are leaving tomorrow morning to paramakatai mountain where the plane will land on the top of the mountain 

We will be going to three villages and do six nights of celebration crusade please pray for us as we go and share Jesus Chris with the loss pray also for a safe landing it can be dangerous if the grass strip wet for the plane to land also pray for a harvest of sols for God kingdom 


February Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Chris 

Thank you for praying for us during the week of ministry to the villages it was a great trip we went to 3 villages and do six nights of celebration crusade and three days children ministry165 person give there life to Jesus Chris we also went to the hararuni girls home and do ministry there

thanks to the buttels for being with us for  the week kristi buttles share her testimony in the three villages and it was a blessing Bruce buttles also don a wonderful job with the children telling the story about the three Hebrew boys 

While at the second village a young man who was a drugs dealer  name quami come with a high malaria fever and was sweating and he come for us to pray for him I was cooking so Bruce and Wayne pray for him and he got heel right there he come back that same night and give his life to Jesus Chris the next morning before we leave he come back for counceling 

Thanks for your prayers and support great thing are happening in guyana 


February Prayer Request

Hey ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus

This evening the buttles are coming to guyana to join us as we go to our February mission trip we will go to 3 villages and do six nights of celebration crusade we also will do children ministry. We will distribute stuff animal and balls to the children please pray for us as we travel and for many sols come to know the Lord as there savior


January Prayer Request

Dear Friends,

I heard from Jai this morning and he had just come from the prison. What a thrill that the officials trust him to help with the inmates. The officer in charge had called him to come and counsel an 21 year old man, Jonah, who had just had his trial and gotten life for murder. He was drunk and killed two people who were walking on the road. Then his car crashed into another car where one person was killed and the other two are in the hospital. The young man entered a guilty plea and knows how wrong he was. Today, Jai talked to him about what to expect prison to be like and about life in general. He spent a few hours with him. Tomorrow he will go back for another few hours and begin to share Christ with him, explaining the gospel and how he can have new life in Christ and be forgiven. He is in the prison where our team does ministry every other Tuesday so Jai will be able to continue to minister to him. Please pray for wisdom for Jai and for Jonah’s spiritual eyes to be opened and for him to eventually accept Jesus and serve him all his days even though he will be incarcerated. Also, please pray for the two people who are still in the hospital and for the families of those who were killed.

On Wednesday, our Guyanese team will leave on their monthly village trip where they will go to three villages. On Friday and Saturday, Jai has been asked to preach at a revival that will be in a large village. Please pray for many to understand the truth of the gospel and accept Christ.

Thank you for your prayers and love for Guyana.