January Prayer Request
/Dear Friends,
I heard from Jai this morning and he had just come from the prison. What a thrill that the officials trust him to help with the inmates. The officer in charge had called him to come and counsel an 21 year old man, Jonah, who had just had his trial and gotten life for murder. He was drunk and killed two people who were walking on the road. Then his car crashed into another car where one person was killed and the other two are in the hospital. The young man entered a guilty plea and knows how wrong he was. Today, Jai talked to him about what to expect prison to be like and about life in general. He spent a few hours with him. Tomorrow he will go back for another few hours and begin to share Christ with him, explaining the gospel and how he can have new life in Christ and be forgiven. He is in the prison where our team does ministry every other Tuesday so Jai will be able to continue to minister to him. Please pray for wisdom for Jai and for Jonah’s spiritual eyes to be opened and for him to eventually accept Jesus and serve him all his days even though he will be incarcerated. Also, please pray for the two people who are still in the hospital and for the families of those who were killed.
On Wednesday, our Guyanese team will leave on their monthly village trip where they will go to three villages. On Friday and Saturday, Jai has been asked to preach at a revival that will be in a large village. Please pray for many to understand the truth of the gospel and accept Christ.
Thank you for your prayers and love for Guyana.