April Report

hi ministry friends greetings in the name of our lord and savior JESUS CHRIST and thanks for your pray and support

as you no we went to another trip and we just get back it was a trip that very special to me a trip that i will never forget a trip that will go down in my history book we went to three villages and do 5 night of celebration crusade and sunday morning celebration also,

the first village 146 people give there life to JESUS CHRIST.

when we get to the second village we see there was hundreds of venezuelan there the first night crusade we do there we had over 600 people turnout and 233 people give there life to CHRISTthe second nights over 700 people turnout and 155 trust CHRIST as there savior 195 of the those were venezuelan and they come back duran the day for counceling to make sure they understood because their english is limited there was some one there to interpet this time ,

this was very special to me it was my dream come true i was in the middle of a field preachingand hundreds of people around me God allowed me to see his spirit drawing so many to trust him as they came from all around and give there life to JESUS CHRIST.           

then we went to the third village it was a small village with about 170 people and we do a sunday morning and sunday night celebration crusade there and 68 people trust CHRIST as there savior, 

where we are headed on our next trip in d jungle we cannot go back  true the rivers and creek beacause of dry weather so next month we will travel around d ocean by ferry and it will take us about 36 hours to get there and back it will be a 2 week trip,

plesae pray for us and these 2 weeks trip it going to bee very ruff for us in the ocean and i am asking you to contonue support us so that we can reach the lost for god kingdom

thanks anain for your pray and support

April Request

Hi friends greeting

we are leaving this evening for  another trip we well b going to 3 villages and do 6 nights of celebration crusade 2 of the villages are very  big so pray that god will draw many sols for his kingdom and pray also for safety on the roads river ocean and trials.

God bless


Note from Beth----------

Thanks to those of you who donated to help build the 3 houses for the families who wanted to get out of Jonestown. We received enough and soon those families will live in a village with others who are like-minded and will have church services and have a chance to learn more and grow spiritually.

Thank you so much.

March Report

hi ministry friends greetings in the wonder name of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST,

 as you no we went on a trip to port kaituma and jones town we just get back from what i would call D greatest trip so far for this year i no you was PRAYING for this trip and GOD answer your PRAY we have seen hundreds of sols trust CHRIST as there SAVIOR and also i have face many chalanges from the devil

the first village we went to was a very big village over 11 hundred people and it was a very bad village with lots of drugs and allcohall and bandats we do 2 nights of celebration crusade on a open field the first night the turnout over 400 and 143 people give there life to CHRIST the second night the turnout was close to 500 and 118 people trust CHRIST we also have 6 person that was with demons and get deliver,

then we move to a nother village a small village with about 125 people the first night 37 peopletrust CHRIST as there SAVIOR the second night 29 people trust CHRIST as there SAVIOR we also have 2 person get deliver from demons

we move the next day to a village 1 mile away from jones town most of these people was living in jones town and the place get so demonic that they move out and live outside the jones town the first night celebration crusade we have 130 people trust CHRIST as there SAVIOR then the next day we went in jones town to share the gospel with the few people that lives in jones town 3 family 14 people PRAY and give there life to CHRIST the rest of people that lives there dont want to here any thing about JESUS CHRIST they are talking about lord jones the last night celebration crusade we have there 77 people give there life to CHRIST 5 person was with demon and get deliver most of these people before they get deliver from demon was shouting out for lord jones, 

i want to thank all of you who PRAY and sapport this ministry in guyana am asking you to contenue to PRAY and sapport us so we can reach the end of guyana for JESUS there is a lots of villages around the jones town and we will keep going and preach the GOSPEL until every one here so please contenyou to PRAY and sapport us

thanks again jai

March Request

Hello Ministry Friends, 

Jai and two other men will be leaving Sunday night to travel to the interior and will arrive in time to do a Celebration Service on Monday night. The water in the creeks is high right now so they think the travel will be easier than it is at other times. They first go in the river, then the ocean, then another river and then the creeks.

They will be at the first village, Port Kituma (about 1,000) people, Monday and Tuesday nights. This trip is different than others have been because they will be reaching Jonestown. On Wednesday and Thursday nights they will be at a village about 5 miles from the infamous Jonestown and Friday and Saturday nights they will be at a village 1 mile from there. Jai has heard while visiting in the villages last month that there is a lot of evil in this area so we need extra prayer cover for their safety and for the Holy Spirit to sweep over that region and claim many for himself.

About 6-8 families actually still live on the compound and Jai and his team will go there Friday and Saturday to do house to house visitation and share Christ with the families there. He will invite them to the Celebrations. 

If any of you feel led, would you please gather either as a family or with other ministry friends and pray together for our Guyanese team as they are on the front lines. Steve and I are going to be in Florida so we won't be around to lead a prayer group here in Charlotte.

I can't wait to see what God does to advance His Kingdom.

Blessings on all of you,


February Report

hi ministry friend greetings in the wonderful name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ

we just get back from a nother trip and it was a great trip I no you was praying for us we went to 3 villages close to the jim jones town the first village 125 people trust Christ 97 trust Christ in the second village the third village is a very small village it have less dan a hundred and they have no church there so we do a sunday morning and a sunday night celebration crusade under a big mango tree and 52 people trust Christ as there lord and savior 

the people in the third village dissided to set up a place were there can have church so I give them $300 to start cut wood to set up a small building they still will need another $200 to complete it I also give them bibles and sermons CD AND Christy bible study to make a start when I pass back next month I will thke some more sermon CD and what ever els they need to start the new church

next month we will be about 1 mile away from jim jones town please pray for us I herd its a very evil place but they need to here d gospel so we are going

thank you for your pray and support GOD BLESS YOU


P.S. from Beth--Friends, I will let you know when it is time for our Guyanese team to go near Jonestown so we can be sure to cover them in prayer. We know there will be a major spiritual battle there. Thank you for your continued prayers.

January Report

Hi ministry greeting in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ

We just come back Friday from our trip we hade to cut short our trip because of heavy rain and lots of trees fall in the creek so we could a only get to two villages but in spit of the heavy rain we had 4 nights celebration crusade and 160 person give there life to Jesus Christ then I went and visit a family of 4 and they also give there life to Christ please pray for those people in the third village that they would able to clear the creek so that we can go there and do 2 nights of celebration crusade there next month also on our way back a high wave hite the the boat and my loptop and some of our sound sistem  get wet I took them to repare pray that we don't have to replace these things thanks for your pray and support please continue to pray and support us so that we can reach the lost for god kingdom


January Request

Hi ministry friends greetings and a happy New Year to you

thank you for your prayer and support through out 2016 it had been a great and successful year, where we had seen a harvest of souls give their life to Jesus Christ and add to the kingdom of God all of these could not happen without your prayers and support im asking you to continue to pray and support our ministry as we get started in this New Year,

we are leaving this evening for a long trip to the Guyana / Venezuela border line, we are going to 3 villages and do 6 nights crusade, pray for our safety as we travel on the roads, rivers, oceans and creeks most of all pray for a harvest of souls.



2016 July Trip Report

Dear Ministry Friends,

It thrills me to be able to write this report of what God did on our recent trip. To those of you who prayed, thank you so very much.

Our team verse was Psalm 16:11. “You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” It was our pleasure to be able to tell many people how they could get on the path of life and be filled with joy and have eternal pleasure.

First I will give you the amazing statistics of what God did and then give you a few stories that thrilled our souls.

NOC (juvenile detention center)-32 SALVATIONS




ADULTS who we met along the way—3 SALVATIONS

TOTAL---373 new brothers and sisters in Christ

Each year, there are many stories that are highlights. There is no way to tell them all but here are a few I want to share.

1---We were doing a two-day event at Liverpool Community Center. The first day we had children from one area and they were given colored wristbands ahead of time to identify the day they were supposed to come. The next day, children from another area came with another colored band. A very encouraging and amazing thing happened the second day. Bonnie Cleveland washed the feet of two children, a young girl and a teenage boy, who told the same story. If you remember from the daily prayer sheet, we shared the plan of salvation using the salvation bracelets with the colored beads explaining sin, Jesus’ blood, purity, heaven and Christian growth. She asked them about their understanding of accepting Jesus and having their sins forgiven using their bracelets. Both of them said that they had already done that. She expected them to say that they did it at church or with a Christian parent but each said that they prayed the night before in their bed and asked Jesus to forgive them and be their Savior. She never really got where the young girl got the information to do that but the teenage boy told us that his friend had come the day before to our event. His friend had shared the message on his bracelet with this friend and told him that he had accepted Jesus. The teenage boy from the first day had shared Christ with his friend and the Holy Spirit had done HIS work. That was such a huge encouragement to our team as we know that children comprehend the Gospel message and lives are being changed.

2---At the New Amsterdam prison, we had a first. Usually different men come each day but this time, we had some new men each day but many men kept coming back to our service. The worship services were electric with the power of the Holy Spirit. There was no question that HE was present. The songs and testimonies were so worshipful, encouraging and convicting. Jai’s message was very clear each day and many prisoners fell under conviction, realizing that they needed forgiveness. They realized that they could be free even though they were behind bars.

The second day, an amazing thing happened after the baptism. About 7-8 men stood around and began to ask us questions about the Christian life, seeking to be taught deeper things. Now we know for sure why God prompted Kristi to finish her Bible study and have it published before we left. The first day, we had given a copy to the few Christian prisoner leaders. They had already started looking at it and asking when she planned on writing a second one. They had talked to many of the prisoners and estimated that about 25 would like to do the 6-week Bible study. They know it would be a serious commitment. It only got better when we went back to the men’s prison a third day. There were 25 more men who had come forward with interest so now, 50 prisoners will do Kristi’s Bible study. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!

In the Women’s prison, we had 19 of the 90 ladies sign up for Kristi’s Bible study but we weren’t sure who would lead it because there didn’t seem to be a real leader among the ladies. God blessed us with a solution. The schoolteacher who was there the day we did our service is a Christian and said that she would lead the study if she could get permission. The officer who could grant that permission was sitting at a desk a few yards away and readily gave the permission, (she was also a Christian). PRAISE GOD AGAIN!!!!!!

These are just a few of the highlight stories. We all came away with our hearts full and stories of our own. God blessed us with good weather and a wonderful team. Jai had his 44th birthday while we were there and we were able to celebrate with him.

Thank you all for your prayers for this ministry. May God continue to draw Guyana to Himself?