January Report
/Hi ministry greeting in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ
We just come back Friday from our trip we hade to cut short our trip because of heavy rain and lots of trees fall in the creek so we could a only get to two villages but in spit of the heavy rain we had 4 nights celebration crusade and 160 person give there life to Jesus Christ then I went and visit a family of 4 and they also give there life to Christ please pray for those people in the third village that they would able to clear the creek so that we can go there and do 2 nights of celebration crusade there next month also on our way back a high wave hite the the boat and my loptop and some of our sound sistem get wet I took them to repare pray that we don't have to replace these things thanks for your pray and support please continue to pray and support us so that we can reach the lost for god kingdom