Report from August 2023 Pastor Training Trip

Dear Friends of Guyana,

I have a wonderful report from the Pastor Training Trip. Thank you so much for praying. The theme from the July trip has continued….WONDERFUL RESULTS FOR THE KINGDOM but SPIRITUAL ATTACKS CONTINUED. We will not let the evil one discourage us or stop the critical work all over Guyana. This harvest field is so ripe for Kingdom work that we are a target for sure.

You were praying for 16 pastors who were to meet at Santa Cruz for training, some coming as far as 11 hours by boat. The last communication you got from me asked you to pray because four of the pastors from one area were sick and could’t come. They are doing fine now but hated to miss the fellowship and training. Those pastors were James, Kingsley, Philip and Vernon.

The next attack came as five others were in the boat on their way when their boat captain got word from his home that there had been a death in the family and he had to turn back so Clifford, Philbert, Basil, Leo and Karl had the disappointment of having to return home rather than coming to the training. Of course they understood. Alex who is our staff member who is very tech savvy has prepared a summary of each session so he can later fill these 9 pastors in on the materials they missed. So grateful for that.

The next attack came for three of the other pastors who were there. Rita, Carmen and Paul are siblings who are serving at three of our churches. Their brother died about three weeks before the training. Paul and his wife who came with him got word that their granddaughter drowned in a river near her home. With heavy hearts, they stayed at the training and learned as much as possible and had a huge amount of prayer support from all who were there. These places are so remote that there is no way to leave until the time planned. Please pray for Pastor Paul and his family.

Now on a more positive note, during the two nights of Celebration Services in Santa Cruz, TEN PEOPLE ACCEPTED CHRIST. A year and a half ago when our team first went to this village, about 120 people trusted Christ and that helped Pastor Mike grow his congregation.  We are so grateful that others are being added to the fellowship.

We had told you there would be 16 pastors and since 9 couldn’t come, you would think that left only 7 but God had a different plan. Three more pastors from other villages requested to join in and come under our ministry’s training and accountability. They came for the training.  They are:

Pastor Dwayne——Waini

Pastor Peter——Kanuballi

Pastor Marvin——Santa Cruz Waini—Cherie (Worship Leader from this church)

Each day, Carl led three sessions teaching from Ephesians. He is a very interactive teacher and there is a lot of discussion, interaction and a chance to ask any question that comes up. The pastors and leaders always want more and more…..

The new pastors were taught about the salvation bracelets that the others had seen six months ago. Each pastor took home enough leather strapping and beads to make salvation bracelets for everyone in their congregations so they can evangelize their villages.

Alex showed the pastors how to use the projector we got from International Cooperating Ministries. Each pastor will get one to use in his/her church. They can show 90 Old Testament lessons, 90 New Testament lessons, teaching on the Sermon on the Mount and lessons on Family Life. The pastors saw how to use the equipment so when they get their own projector, they will be familiar. Our team will deliver these hopefully soon and make sure each pastor knows how to use them. What a blessing to have all of this teaching available as well as the Messengers from InTouch ministry with 200 of Charles Stanley’s sermons on them.

Carl spent time with some of the village children and 4 of them ACCEPTED CHRIST.

One afternoon, a family stopped by to see what was going on. Steve was talking to the dad, Mark and started sharing Christ with him, using the bracelet with the beads, explaining how he could have his sins forgiven. Mark prayed and accepted Christ. His wife was already a Christian but wasn’t in church and she recommitted her life to a closer walk with Jesus. Steve encouraged them to raise their daughter in the church and teach her the things of God. He encouraged them to read the Bible together each day and to come to this church. That afternoon, Pastor Mike went to their house to follow up with them. They next day Mark came and sat in on the pastor training sessions.

Other things I will mention: Monkeys are jumping tree to tree….what fun!

Chiggers were a problem….as you walk from the church to the outhouse, you are in grass that is FULL of chiggers. Suffering for Jesus…..Hahaha!

Bathing took place in the river….

Chase ended up with Covid on the night before the flight out. Didn’t know what it was until several days after arriving home…just thought it was that flu.

Despite the challenges, IT WAS ALL WORTH IT.

Here are the needs that I want to mention so if God puts it on any of your hearts, you can help. 1.  Prayer is number one need

2.  Three of the churches need keyboards to help them in their worship time. They cost about     $300 in Guyana. If you would like to donate, please send a tax deductible check to..

International Celebration

62777 Carolina Commons Dr.

Ste 600, #135

Indian Land, SC 29707

3.  They need carpentry tools to help in constructing church buildings. They can use power tools as well as hand tools. EX. circular saws, planers, hammers. If you have something to donate, please call Beth Puckett 561-301-4111.

Thank all of you for your continued love and support for God’s ministry in Guyana.

