July Trip Prayer Guide

                              PRAYER GUIDE FOR PASTOR TRAINING TRIP

                                                   JULY 6-12


…..Carl Martin

…..Chase Barbe

…..Holland Johnson

…..Tate Lucci

…..Ned Lewis


…..Jai Ramnauth

…..Tony Moniz

…..Alex Seunarine

Trip Verse: “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal processions in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.” II Corinthians 2:14

Wednesday-July 6— Pray for travel mercies as our 5 travel to Miami and then on to Georgetown, Guyana. Arrival is 11:28 PM. Pray for good sleep even though it won’t be long.

Thursday-July 7— Pray for a 7:00 AM flight on a small airplane that will land on a grass strip in the jungle in the north/western part of Guyana called Region 1. We will board a boat and travel on the river until we reach a village called Canal Bank. This is Brother Clifford’s village. We will set up our living quarters in the church, blow up mattresses on the stage area and our Guyanese staff will also set up a cooking area. Our Guyanese staff and the pastors will hang hammocks in the church at night to sleep in.

We will have lunch and have a meet and greet. Then we will have our FIRST SESSION in the afternoon. The goal is to train 13 church leaders/pastors to lead the churches in their villages. Each of them will have traveled to this one location to be together for the training. Each of them have expressed a desire to be trained by our ministry and be accountable to our ministry. Here is a list of the 13 so you can pray by name…

Brother Karl—Arakata Village

Brother Basil—4 Miles Village

Brother Leo—Quarry Village

Brother James—Oriuck Village

Brother Philbert—Grandfather Creek

Brother Clifford—Canal Bank

Brother Philip—Ceeby Creek

Brother Festus—Bush Mouth

Brother Kingsley—St. John Wani

Brother Tyrone —First Lagoon Wani

Brother Vernon—Aruka Mouth

Sister Carmen—Unity Grant

Sister Rita—Katcha Kama Wini—These two ladies have felt God calling them to lead since the men in their village have to leave to go do gold mining and aren’t there to take leadership

Please pray each day for the Holy Spirit to speak through Carl as he teaches and the other 4 men as they mentor and discuss the truths of the Word with the 13. Pray for health for everyone and for a unity that will bind them all together.

Friday, Saturday—July 8 and 9—Each of these days, there will be three teaching sessions will lots of discussion and interaction time. Subjects will include

…Basics of the Bible and they will be taught how to use their study Bibles that we are giving them.

…Old Testament Survey

…New Testament Survey

…Leadership and how to train disciples

…Body of Christ and Spiritual Gifts

…How to put a sermon together and deliver it


Any of these can change as Carl sees needs and is flexible to hear from the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for mentoring and friendship and fun and laughter and prayer time and serious conversations and emotional and spiritual healing if needed. We want these 13 churches to be healthy and produce mature believers who are willing to go and share.

Sunday—July 10—Our team will travel out by boat to make a morning flight back to Georgetown. We will have lunch and check in to our hotel and have a rest afternoon and evening.

Monday—July 11—We will have a day in Lusignan Prison, not sure if it will be morning or afternoon. Our Guyanese team will lead in worship music, two of our US team will give their testimonies and Carl will preach. There will be a baptism. Men who have recently accepted Christ when our Guyanese team does weekly services are ready for baptism and others who accept Christ this day can also choose to be baptized. Please pray that these prisoners will realize that even though they are behind bars, they can be free if they have their sins forgiven. Pray that those who are already Christian will be encouraged by our team.

Either in the morning or the afternoon that is free, we will do a little sight seeing and souvenir shopping.

Tuesday—July 12— We have a 7:00 AM flight out of Guyana and go back through Miami. Please pray for good travel. Pray that we will all have lots of chances to share what God did in  Guyana to be able to start Gospel conversations with those in our everyday paths.

Thank you for praying….