I  just got a call from Jai as he finished his check-up at the hospital. The doctor was happy to report that the doctor in the jungle hospital did exactly what was needed and the treatment worked. The tests today showed NEGATIVE for malaria and dengue fever. Jai has two more days of pills and then is just to rest and go back in two weeks to be rechecked to make sure all is well. We are so grateful to God, our great physician. The throne of heaven was flooded with prayers for his healing and God answered our prayers. 

In the jungle, his fever was so high, he was delirious. He tried to jump out of the moving truck, pulled a poster off the wall at the hospital and pulled out his IV line. He remembers none of that. What a blessing that a pastor who lived near the hospital stayed with him until Tony and Alex got back.

Jai told me something that I didn't know before. On Friday night, they had the Celebration Service before Jai got real sick. The next morning, Saturday, is when they drove him several hours to the hospital. Tony and Alex drove back several hours on Saturday to gather their things but before they packed up, they had a second evening of Celebration Service. Now that shows me how dedicated our team is.  In the crisis, they went ahead and proclaimed the good news of the Gospel and then drove back to the hospital to be with Jai before the 7 am flight that became a noon flight because the weather prevented them from leaving.

Last month, as part of their ministry, our team went into a mining camp to share the gospel and that is where the mosquitoes were very bad. Jai said that is where he got both diseases. There is now a malaria prevention shot that they just found out about and all three of our team will get it. It lasts two years. 

The prayer request now is that Jai's appetite will return. He is having trouble eating. Also, it will be hard for him to rest for two weeks. Please pray he will.IT IS A GREAT DAY AND I WANT TO THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS FOR JAI, TRACY AND OUR TEAM!!!!!!!
