March River Trip Prayer Request

Good Morning Friends,

I got this email from Jai last night and didn't see it until this morning so that means he, Wayne and Tony have left this morning, Wednesday, on the trip. Please pray for them as they travel, present the Gospel and reach physical needs with clothes, shoes and reading glasses. They will also be sharing Bibles and InTouch Ministries Messengers that hold over 200 sermons by Charles Stanley. We really appreciate your prayers and can't wait to see what God does.


Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus christ
We are leaving tomorrow morning for another trip to the jungle we will be going to 4 villages and do 8 nights of celebration crusade
Please pray for us as we travel on the road river and in the air on the plane
Pray also for a harvest of souls
Thanks for your prayers and support
God bless you