December Praise Report from Villages and Prisons
/Hay ministry friends season greeting for all of us here in Guyana
We get back Monday night from another wonderful trip we went to 2 villages and do 3 nights and Sunday morning celebration crusade and 91 persons give there life to jesus christ and 5 persons that give there life to jesus christ take the second step to be baptized.
This morning we went to the newanserdam women prison and do a Christmas concert and 5 women who are new to the prison give there life to jesus christ
Tomorrow morning we are going to the newanserdam Male prison and then on Thursday morning we going to the holding bay to do Christmas concert also
Then next week Monday we will be going to the hararuni girls home also to do a Christmas concert with them and we will taking gifts and other goodies for the girls
We have some other Christmas activities late down in this month witch we didn't plan as yet
Please pray for all these activities that God will prepare many hearts for his kingdom
Thank you for your prayers and support it have been a great year
God bless you