Second June Trip Report

Hay ministry friends greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Chris 

We just got back from our trip it was a great trip it was a very difficult and scary experience for us driveing in the night with heavy rain a Muddy trail with heavy fog and at times even we get lost even with extra light on our truck we could not see where we are going on Monday morning we started travel at 3am and in about 20 minutes the rain was falling and I get close to the edge of the trail and slide in a tranche but thank God we had a winch an the truck in 10 minutes we get out the truck then we got stuck 2 more time on the trail but I thank God for all of you who pray for us we get back safely home 

Inspite of all the rain we had 4 nights of celebration crusade in 2 villages  and 135 people give there life to Jesus Chris 

Thank you for your prayers and support 

Bless jai