May Trip Itinerary
/2018 May Trip Itinerary
TUESDAY- May 8—Please pray for our travel day. Greta and I will come from Charlotte and Carolyn will come from NY and meet in Miami. We will then travel from Miami to Georgetown, Guyana. Pray for safe travel, no problems with luggage or flight delays. We will stay near the airport the first night after arriving late.
WEDNESDAY- May 9—Today we will travel several hours to Berbice where Jai lives and settle in at his home. We will build the puppet stage for Carolyn as she has sent Jai the lengths of PVC pipe and the connectors that she will need to set up her puppet stage. In the afternoon we will go to an orphanage and spend time with the children. We will do fun songs, have a Bible story with puppets by Carolyn and play some games. Please pray especially for Carolyn as she teaches truths from the Bible.
THURSDAY-May 10—In the morning, we will visit the Women’s Prison in New Amsterdam. There will be music and Greta will give her testimony. Please pray that the women’s hearts will be tender when hearing Greta’s story and that they may learn anew or be reminded that we can go through very hard things and still praise, worship and serve our Good Father with joy. There will be a chance for counseling with the women who request it.
At 4:00 we will have a children’s event at a nearby church when school is out. There will be music and puppet ministry.
FRIDAY—May 11—This is a very special morning that absolutely thrills my soul. We will go to the Men’s Prison at New Amsterdam and have a very special service. This is the prison where we were asked to build a chapel. Last summer, the large prison in Georgetown burned to the ground and a lot of the inmates were moved to New Amsterdam Prison so it is very crowded. The room where we have had our services in the past is now used as a dorm so our Guyanese team has been doing their services outside. The prison officials asked our ministry if we could build a chapel for them. We put out the plea and many of you helped us with this project. We bought the materials and the prisoners did the labor. It is now complete and this morning, we will have the official dedication of the new chapel/Christian library. What a thrill! We will have music, Greta will share her testimony and either Jai or Dave will preach. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for many changed lives; salvations and growth for those who have already accepted Jesus.
In the afternoon, we will go to New Life Christian Center for a children’s event. Please pray for open hearts as we interact with these children.
SATURDAY—May 12—In the morning we will go to Mahaica Girls’ Home where our Guyanese team goes weekly. We will have a children’s service with music and a puppet Bible message. I can’t wait to be back at this girls’ home that touched our hearts so greatly this summer.
Between our morning and afternoon events, we will go to Georgetown for a little touring and shopping.
In the afternoon, we will go to Hararuni where Carolyn will teach some of the children’s teachers how to use puppets effectively in their teaching. Last summer, two of the ladies approached us and said they had been praying for puppets and the ability to use them to improve their effectiveness in their lessons. God heard their prayer, we sent puppets and now have Carolyn who is a specialist in this area to teach them. We will also have a service with the children at Hararuni. Please pray for these ladies to learn a lot about puppetry.
SUNDAY—May 13—This morning we will worship with the congregation at Swan Elim where we have been several times and feel like we are family there. Pray for the service and for the power of the Holy Spirit to teach all of us that day. Dave will be preaching.
In the afternoon, we will have a children’s service with the children of this community. May God open their eyes to learn something new and draw them closer to Himself.
That night, we will need to get to bed early as our flight the next morning is at 5:30 am and we have to be at the airport two hours early.
MONDAY—May 14—Please pray for easy travel and that we will get many opportunities when we get home to share the good news of what happened in Guyana. Telling about our trip can open many doors of opportunity for us to share Christ when we get home. I pray for boldness for those opportunities.