March Report
/Hello Ministry Friends,
Praises are in order for what God did on this March trip with 5 Americans and 5 Guyanese, ministering together as one family. We went to two remote river villages and had a fantastic time with the wonderful people and saw God's hand move in a powerful way. There were 120 SALVATIONS, two of them being people at a hotel where we stayed. That was a divine appointment.
The first village was Upper Pomeroon and that is where we slept on blow up mattresses on the floor of the church. During one of the nights, there was a loud animal altercation somewhere very near us. We came to know that it was between a dog and a wild cat that were fighting under the church which was on 5 foot pillars. Jai took a flashlight and a board to see what was going on. The wild cat was about 2 feet long and after the fight, was on the joist just under where Megan and Jeanne were sleeping so no wonder it was so loud. Jai poked the wild cat with the board and he ran off. We saw tracks the next morning in the sand to confirm that it was no house cat. HAHA!
The two mornings of teaching for the ladies and the two nights of Celebration services were excellent, drawing new believers to God and encouraging those who were already Christians. Megan's music was wonderful and the crowd loved singing along with the praise songs our Guyanese team led in. During Jeanne's last teaching session we had a powerful answer to prayer. The ladies had paddled on the river to get there and several had to bring their young children. Jeanne was about half way through her lesson on prayer and the power we have as Christians since we have authority over the devil and demons. One 2 year old boy started running around the church and disrupting to the point that it was hard for Jeanne to concentrate. We couldn't take him out because there is no yard around the church as the river at high tide covers the surrounding ground. Then a little 2 year old girl started screaming and wouldn't stop. The ladies were unable to even heard Jeanne so she stopped and asked everybody to pray, using the authority that we had been learning about. It was evident to her that there was a disturbing demon in that place so she confidently plead the blood of Jesus over the church and the children and demanded that the demon that wasn't welcome in that place leave and not come back. WITHIN 30 SECONDS, BOTH CHILDREN WERE FAST ASLEEP IN THEIR MOTHERS' ARMS. What a mighty God we serve.
Wesley Caldwell who is the manager of the Lifeway Store in Pineville was able to get all the books organized and ready to put on the shelves that the men on our team built right there in the church. They had unfinished wood that they planed, cut and then built the shelves. It will be a wonderful resource for the church members and the whole village.
Lifeway also donated stuffed animals for every girl in both villages and the boys received balls. Some said it was the first toy they had ever had. Upon checkout at the LIfeway store, customers had a chance to donate $5 for a toy for a child in Guyana and all those stuffed animals were sent to Guyana. Praise God for our new relationship with Lifeway.
We also left behind Kristi's Bible studies for those serious about growing deep in their faith and left Sunday school curriculum that was donated by Hopewell Baptist Church so the congregation will have great study materials.
We are so grateful for the wonderful trip and thank you for praying for us while we were gone. Please continue to pray for our Guyanese team and for all those who accepted Christ.